Monday, March 5, 2012

A name at last

So, we have struggled to decide on a name for the baby for months. I think in part because we were trying to get 5 people to agree on something important. We can't even agree on dinner. Why I thought this would be easy, I have no idea. It hasn't helped that everyone has an opinion on names as well, and they have all shared.
I would recommend to anyone having a baby to keep the name quiet until the day you have the baby. No one would dare say a bad word about the name after it has already been given.
That being said, we have decided on Hannah. Before I knew I was pregnant with triplets, we had already decided that a girl's name would be Hannah. So, I guess it's been Hannah for over 8 years, we have just been waiting on her arrival. Now, to decide on a middle name.... I am hoping that will happen before before she gets here. However, until that day, mums the word. I'm sure you will love it! ;)

1 comment:

  1. Hannah is a beautiful name :) I absolutely love it!! hmmmmm now to throw my two cents in lol how about.Hannah Grace? not sure if Hannah Joy flows perfectly but I like it. :)
    Im sure whatever is chosen it will be perfect for her :)
    So very happy for you !!
