So, my husband asked me tonight why I have never posted a picture of our empty sink. That was a little confusing to me, even after living with him all these years. I of course asked why on earth I would do that. He goes on to explain to me that a lot of people of Facebook post pictures or posts about some work that their husband does around the house. Examples include: I can't believe my husband cleaned the kitchen all by himself; I can't believe I came home to all the laundry in our house done, etc. You get the point. That really got me thinking...... why don't I do that? Then I remembered it's because he does it so often, it would be ridiculous that I would do that.
It is not uncommon for him to wash the dishes. It is also not uncommon that I wake up in an empty bed. Even before I hear Hannah, he often gets up and feeds her at 3AM.(He says it's his favorite time with her. No one says a word if he rocks her even when she is asleep.) It is also very common that he cooks our dinner. See, we are partners. He does just as much as I do around the house. We work hard to keep this place going. Now, I don't want you to believe that he is perfect. He could never dream of organizing our closet, or matching Hannah's clothes, but he will try to help out with whatever needs to be done.
I do not have a picture of my empty sink. As a matter of fact, I almost never have an empty sink. Someone is always eating something here. I do, however, have a picture of the love of my life. He is the sink "emptyier", the trash-taker outer, the dinner cooker, the baby rocker(spoiler), athlete, super-dad, amazing husband. Sorry ladies, he's all MINE!!! I think that is way better than an empty sink picture anyway!
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