Monday, December 31, 2012

Daddy's New Years Eve!

13 years ago tonight Tonya and I had been married for just a few months and we were laying in the bed as sick as can be. Both of us were running high fevers praying that if Y2K was going to end the world, then we wished it would hurry up because we knew we would feel better than we did at that moment.

So it was ironic that today I woke up sick at my stomach and running to the bathroom a million times. Although it was nothing like that night it was funny to reminisce with the boys all of those past stories.

Earlier this evening Tonya asked the boys what was great and what was bad about this year. Overall, for our family, 2012 was a great year. God blessed our family with health and financial security this year. We were never in want and was always able to praise him for the things that we have and don't have. I see people everyday that struggle with happiness and contentment. However, our entire family praises God for the wonderful blessings that we have.

Most likely, that greatest blessing for us is the addition of the most precious little girl in the entire world. I sit here tonight with her laying on my chest, trying to unwrap myself off of her finger, but I realize that may be an impossible task. We really thought that we were finished with adding additions to our family. With all good plans however, God knows what best.

I also loved watching Eli win the Social Studies award at ALP, Caleb strike out his first batter, and Isaac hit some of the most incredible shots during basketball games. More than that I live their enthusiasm for God and how they "help us" take care of their baby sister.

This year did have some disappointments. The lose of my uncle Thurl made my entire family realize that "life is but a vapor." His life was one that could only be truly realized by the outpouring of love and affection of the people that attended his wake and funeral. Truly an awesome sight to witness the love and respect they had for him. I'm sure those coon dogs are yelling his name tonight... "THUUUURRRRL". :)

Other disappointments such a loss of a job that I thought I had, the heartbreak of watching the boys become upset, and watching both sides if my family mourn the loss of family, helps remind me that God is in control of all things.

With all of this though, I'm convinced that I am blessed to be married to the greatest woman on the earth. She is by far my rock and my help in everything I do. She was there to remind me that God is in control during the heartbreaks and was able to take care of herself (just as she did with the boys) to be sure that Hannah arrived healthy and happy.

It is without doubt that 2013 will hold happiness and disappointments. I thank God everyday that he allows me to share them with Tonya.

God Bless you all and Happy New Year.

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