Monday, December 31, 2012

Daddy's New Years Eve!

13 years ago tonight Tonya and I had been married for just a few months and we were laying in the bed as sick as can be. Both of us were running high fevers praying that if Y2K was going to end the world, then we wished it would hurry up because we knew we would feel better than we did at that moment.

So it was ironic that today I woke up sick at my stomach and running to the bathroom a million times. Although it was nothing like that night it was funny to reminisce with the boys all of those past stories.

Earlier this evening Tonya asked the boys what was great and what was bad about this year. Overall, for our family, 2012 was a great year. God blessed our family with health and financial security this year. We were never in want and was always able to praise him for the things that we have and don't have. I see people everyday that struggle with happiness and contentment. However, our entire family praises God for the wonderful blessings that we have.

Most likely, that greatest blessing for us is the addition of the most precious little girl in the entire world. I sit here tonight with her laying on my chest, trying to unwrap myself off of her finger, but I realize that may be an impossible task. We really thought that we were finished with adding additions to our family. With all good plans however, God knows what best.

I also loved watching Eli win the Social Studies award at ALP, Caleb strike out his first batter, and Isaac hit some of the most incredible shots during basketball games. More than that I live their enthusiasm for God and how they "help us" take care of their baby sister.

This year did have some disappointments. The lose of my uncle Thurl made my entire family realize that "life is but a vapor." His life was one that could only be truly realized by the outpouring of love and affection of the people that attended his wake and funeral. Truly an awesome sight to witness the love and respect they had for him. I'm sure those coon dogs are yelling his name tonight... "THUUUURRRRL". :)

Other disappointments such a loss of a job that I thought I had, the heartbreak of watching the boys become upset, and watching both sides if my family mourn the loss of family, helps remind me that God is in control of all things.

With all of this though, I'm convinced that I am blessed to be married to the greatest woman on the earth. She is by far my rock and my help in everything I do. She was there to remind me that God is in control during the heartbreaks and was able to take care of herself (just as she did with the boys) to be sure that Hannah arrived healthy and happy.

It is without doubt that 2013 will hold happiness and disappointments. I thank God everyday that he allows me to share them with Tonya.

God Bless you all and Happy New Year.

Sunday, December 30, 2012


It's Christmas time at the Campbell house again, and my how things have changed. It seems like yesterday that we were assembling the baby fence around the Christmas tree, putting the tree up on the 23rd, and taking it down in the 26th.

Here we are with 3 big boys getting paint guns and electronics, and a little girl that can crawl and pull up on the crib. I swear time needs to pause for just a few minutes.

Unlike most of our Christmases, this year we experienced loss, just before Christmas. The loss of "Uncle Thurl" and the loss of all those innocent victims in CT, made us stop and think about how fragile life is. It made us appreciate the moments that we have together.

See, time is moving so quickly, and no matter how many times I wish it to be so, I cannot capture all the moments if their innocence, and keep them this age. This year, maybe a little more than usual, I'm so grateful for my family, and feel blessed I got to spend time with each and every one:)

Monday, December 24, 2012


Well, I'm a little behind on my posts, so I think I'll catch up. So much has happened, where do I start..... I have a new job. For those that have asked, I love it. God has some strange ways of answering prayers, but it's funny the way he works things out. I would have never dreamed that I would change positions mid-year, but it has been such a blessing. I have made new friends, strengthened bonds with many people, had the opportunity to work with some truly amazing kids. Trust me when I say it's a GOD thing!

Now, on to one of the lessons I learned in the middle of this move. I had to move things to my new school. It wasn't a ton of things, but it was enough to need about 3 trips. I bet 10 people asked me if they could help me carry anything. I insisted I was fine, and I had it under control. I made the first trip without a problem. When I went back the second time, I had a full armload and one box. It was my treasure box, filled with candy and dollar store goodies. Bribes if you will. Well, I decide that I can simply put the treasure box on top and carry it all in of course without help. I'm sure you know how this ends. I end up dropping the entire contents of the box all over the parking lot. My "treasure", all 1000 pieces were laying on the ground while I stood there in disbelief. I picked up every piece learning these things. First, it's alright to ask for help, even from strangers, and that I cannot carry everything on my own! I am guilty of both of these things on a regular basis. I will often take on the weight of the world without a second thought. I'm not saying I won't try it again, but I will at least try to remember the lessons of my move. After all, if I don't, I might end up with all my treasures on the ground :)

Monday, December 3, 2012

My first real Christmas

I can remember Christmases for many, many years. I remember getting Barbie furniture as a little girl and Dad helping me punch out all the flatware just so he could step on it the next day. I remember getting my first cabbage patch doll. I was over the moon. I remember getting a pink popple with a purple tail just like I asked. That was no easy feat as they were the furby of my day. I also remember getting a puppy for Christmas. When I was growing up, we never had a lot of money, but we always had a wonderful Christmas. My parents made sure of it.
It wasn't until after I had long grown, gotten married and had the boys that I say I had my first real Christmas. See, I always knew what Christmas was about. I grew up in a Christian home. But, it was that year that I finally understood the magnitude of the gift that I had been given. The year the boys were born....
I remember the moment that the understanding hit me. Some would call it an Ah ha! Moment.
Jamie and I were driving to the hospital to visit the boys the week before Christmas. It was late and dark. I'm sure we were headed to tuck them in for the night. We drove around the park on our way to the hospital and I saw the lighted manger scene. Why then, but it dawned on me that I had a son. As after of fact, I had three sons. They were so tiny and fragile waiting for me at the hospital. At that time, I had limited contact with them, and already I had such an incredible bond!
I just like Mary had a boy that I loved dearly. I understood the love of a parent. See, I knew then that Christ had given his SON for me. I am now and will forever be grateful for the gift of his Son. It is a gift so overwhelming to me. I have celebrated many Christmases since then and hope to celebrate many more, but I hope to never lose sight of that first Christmas and that precious gift that was swaddled in a manger just for me. Merry Christmas !

Thursday, November 22, 2012

Black Friday!!!

So, most of you may think I'm nuts, but that's alright. I'm getting ready to leave for another Black Friday, and I feel so blessed! Thanksgiving/black Friday are 2 of my favorite days of the year. I mean it's shopping and eating! How can you get better than that?
See, I enjoy a deal like none other. I am the daughter of Eddie and Rita Devaney, the original black Friday shoppers. I remember getting up as a little girl to go shopping for 10 cent tape at Big Lots! But, for a household of girls, black Friday has always been and will always be our girl day. We shop, gossip a little, judge the fashion of others, eat way to much, and brag about our bargains. It's memory making.
So, this black Friday, I feel blessed like none other. I have saved a little money to go. I know not everyone has that luxury. I will be with my sisters, nieces, and Mom, my favorite girls on earth. Jamie told me to take a nap and even made me a tall coffee to go, can you say supportive? I have a little girl of my own to carry on the tradition in a few years. My blessings overflow. So to all you black Friday shoppers. I wish you great deals, may everything you want/need be in plenty, great parking spots, and most of all memory making like none other. Happy Thanksgiving my friends!

Wednesday, October 31, 2012

Reading buddies

Caleb is reading to Hannah. He doesn't even yell when she smacks the pages.

Monday, September 17, 2012

Pregnant ???!!!!

So, it was this time last year we learned we were pregnant, Labor Day weekend to be precise. Many of you have asked, so I'll tell you the story. See, last year about this time, I had lost almost 40 pounds. I was exercising, watching my diet, and doing all the stuff I should. I was feeling better than I had since having the boys,...,,,, until I started feeling awful. You know, nothing specific, no appetite, lingering nausea, and a few other symptoms. I told Jamie, I have to get to a doctor. I just knew something was wrong. Of course, I had it made up in my mind it was something serious, after all, I should be feeing my best.

On Friday before Labor Day while having lunch with some friends, one of them make a remark that they haven't felt like that since they were pregnant. I think they were referring to their hunger, but the only word i heard was pregnant! So, I started thinking about my symptoms and thinking, that is exactly how I felt when I was pregnant. Reluctantly, I bought a pregnancy test thinking that is the first question any reasonable doctor would ask, just so I could say I was positive that wasn't the cause of my symptoms. I mean more than one doctor told us we could never have a child on our own. I took the test all alone knowing that it would be negative. When I looked down and saw those two lines, I nearly passed out. I was thrilled and scared to death. After all, more than one doctor said it could never happen on our own, so I worried it was too good to be true. I wish I had a camera to get Jamie's expression. He was elated, and shocked beyond belief. It's hard to believe that was a year ago. Hannah is here and perfect. She is 4 months old, with 2 teeth, and sassy as can be. I wouldn't trade that little miracle for anything!

First day blues!

4 months!!!

Can you believe it? Time is flying!

The new normal

So, many of you have asked how it is going now that everyone is back at school. I could lie and say it's all great, but I've really never been one to hide my feelings. It's going... Truthfully, I miss being home with Hannah. I know she's in great hands, but I can already see she is growing way too fast. See, I had the benefit of staying at home with the boys for their first year. It was the hardest job I've EVER had, but I was happy I got to have all those firsts with them. I can't help but feel like I'm missing out a little.
We are finding our way. We are finding our new normal. See, normal always changes. My normal used to be mommy to 3- seven year old boys, full-time teacher, yada, yada, yada. My new normal is mom to 3-8 year old boys, and a baby girl, full time teacher, and the list goes on and on. My new normal includes football mom. See, I haven't been that in awhile. I'm having to learn my new normal. Learning a new normal can be a lot of fun, but it is pretty exhausting until you figure it out. That's where we are.... We are learning the new challenges, trying to be creative and overcome. We'll figure it out. We always do. In the meantime, work with me, we're doing everything we can to remain pleasant during these growing pains.
Don't judge, I think we have had pizza three different times in the last 7 days. That's alright.... At least it was hot and edible. If it's any consolation, we did get to bed on time with our teeth brushed. One step at a time people....
While we're figuring out this normal, I'll stop time so nothing changes. Lord knows tomorrow may be a new-new normal!

Wednesday, August 15, 2012

Someone stole my spot!

It looks like I'm not the only one that likes to sleep in his arms.....


Sunday, August 12, 2012

Toes in the water!

Well, we did it! We went on vacation. Yes, we drove to Myrtle Beach last week. We have gone with our family for the last 3 years, and we just had to try it. Many people said we were crazy. Heck, I thought we were crazy.

Did I mention that Hannah HATES the car! I mean HATE! She usually screams the second she gets in the car. We did everything to get ready for this. We bought a new carseat, a portable DVD player, new toys. Yes, we realize she us already spoiled, and at this point we're alright with that. We live by the strict philosophy that we only get to have our kids for a little while. They grow way too fast, so we make the most of it! Anyway, we did it all, including pray that she would have an uneventful trip and leave at 4:30 in the morning. It all started off on the wrong foot. She screamed from our door to Huntington. Caleb was carsick; I was ready to turn back. However, Jamie stepped in and saved the day. He adjusted her carseat to make it a little more comfortable, gave her some magic Daddy love, and she was nearly perfect the rest of the way. :) the dramamine kicked in for caleb. You can't imagine my relief.

See, I love my kiddos and my life, but we NEEDED a vacation. Even though I would classify this summer as amazing with our new addition, it has been extremely stressful!
I mean:
*We have a new baby.
*Jamie finished his principalship in record time this summer in hopes of getting job this summer. When that didn't work out, we were disappointed to say the least.
*I have not rebounded like I had hoped since having Hannah. Who would have thought that 8 years and 4 kids would take such a toll on a person. I mean, we really needed to relax.
*Did I mention we have 3 rotten boys that keep us on our toes at least 16 of the 24 hours in a day.

So, when we arrived and found a beautiful home, on a private beach with happy kiddos, we were beyond happy.
Hannah in her bikini.  Daddy said it is her first and last trip to the beach in a bikini ;)

The whole gang!


He is so wrapped!


He's still my fave!

Imagine that....wrestling!

Hannah's trip to the ocean.

She really liked it.

We spent the week soaking up some family time, eating too much, laughing, playing cards, and even managed to get some time in with our toes in the sand.

Tuesday, August 7, 2012


Today, I have been married to my amazing husband for 13 wonderful years. So, I must start by saying thank you to the man that has managed to tolerate, love, and even appreciate me all this time. Trust me, I know I'm not all sunshine and lollipops. :) he deserves a medal for living with me and all these rascals.

Today, I was really thinking about the day I was married, and how I felt. I was truly excited to begin a new chapter of my life. I never for one second second-guessed if I was making a good decision. I knew he was the one!!! I was thinking about our love back then, and how it felt, and how it's changed. You know, I used to think it sounded so sappy that love grows over time. I now know what that means.

Back then, I got what I like to call the flutters. You know, the way it feels when you get that first kiss. Your stomach gets tight, and the world seems to tilt slightly off axis as your head swims. I mean this all in a good way for those that have never experienced it. I got the flutters when I heard his voice on my voicemail, the sight of him walking to my dorm room, the feeling of seeing him on one knee at Cave Run Lake. The flutters!

It's a little different now. A friend of mine is going through a difficult time right now in her marriage. She says, "It just feels different now. The excitement is gone." Well, I would agree its not the same now. We've experienced a lot of firsts together, and sometimes we have to work to keep keep excitement in our marriage, but our love has grown beyond that new love and developed into a lasting love!
See, now my flutters are not every time I hear his voice. Sometimes, it's the quiet way I catch him watching me walk through our house; or the caring way he holds our daughter; or the way I see him try to mold my little men into a man or honor. Oh, trust me, I still get the flutters when we stop enough for a kiss, and when I see him emerge from the bathroom cleanly shaven and dressed for church. So, I would say it is different now. It is so much better!

Happy Anniversary! I love you so much!

Monday, July 23, 2012

I believe in miracles!

I was looking at pinterest today and I saw a tattoo that said I believe in miracles. I thought, if i ever got a tattoo that would be the one for me! So, that got me thinking about some of the miracles in my life.

I have so many, I'm not sure I can even count! Some of them include my kiddos. For those that may not know our story.... Here it is.

Jamie and I couldn't get pregnant. We went to the doctor several times, and after about a year and a half he finally sent us to Cincinnati to see Dr. Hofmann. When we went to see him, he said we had a better chance of winning the lottery than having a baby on our own. We tried many medicines, had dozens of tests and visits to the doctor, and we finally got pregnant. However, that wasn't our miracle. We lost the baby very early. Needless to say, we were devastated, totally crushed. We were emotionally drained. I was physically tired, and our bank account had all that we could handle. So, we talked to the doctor. He said when we were ready to try again, just let him know. In just a few weeks, we got a call from the Dr. Saying that someone that was getting ready to have a baby dropped off over 1/2 of the meds we would need to try again. Infertility medicine is very expensive, and cannot be returned to the pharmacy. Even though it was in tamper-proof glass vials. SFNow that may not sound like much, but is was about $2,000 worth of medicine. I was hesitant to try again so early but it seemed as though God was opening a window for us. Jamie and I talked about it and prayed about it, and it felt right to try again. So, we started the process all over again. Now, I should mention the medicine and process that we used do not have a high risk for high order multiples. As a matter of fact, we were one of only a handful of triplets our doctor ever produced.
When we got pregnant again, I was so scared the same thing would happen. When we went back, you could say we were definitely surprised to find out we were having triplets. The doctor told us then that we didn't have a good chance of carrying them. Now, don't get me wrong, the pregnancy was not easy, but they all made it here. We had an uphill battle at first, but we were all safe and sound! Three little miracles.

Now, it was easy to see why Hannah was such a wonderful surprise. We had been told more than once we would never have a baby on our own. Boy, we're they wrong. Jamie and I had always hoped for one more, but never in our best dreams did we think it would happen. Miracle number 4, I say!

I would include finding the love of my life as a true miracle as well. In todays world where people are getting divorced every day, I think our love is a miracle. Now would be a great time to mention that divorce rates of parents with multiples is even higher than the national average. Jamie and I have already weathered some pretty big hurdles and came out stronger. I think he's a keeper!

That's just some of the miracles in my life. I could go in any on. So if you ask, if I believe in miracles. I sure do! Some of them call me Mom.

Wednesday, July 18, 2012

Empty sinks, empty beds, and full bellies!

So, my husband asked me tonight why I have never posted a picture of our empty sink.  That was a little confusing to me, even after living with him all these years.  I of course asked why on earth I would do that.  He goes on to explain to me that a lot of people of Facebook post pictures or posts about some work that their husband does around the house.  Examples include: I can't believe my husband cleaned the kitchen all by himself; I can't believe I came home to all the laundry in our house done, etc.  You get the point. That really got me thinking...... why don't I do that?  Then I remembered it's because he does it so often, it would be ridiculous that I would do that. 
It is not uncommon for him to wash the dishes.  It is also not uncommon that I wake up in an empty bed.  Even before I hear Hannah, he often gets up and feeds her at 3AM.(He says it's his favorite time with her.  No one says a word if he rocks her even when she is asleep.)  It is also very common that he cooks our dinner.  See, we are partners.  He does just as much as I do around the house.  We work hard to keep this place going.  Now, I don't want you to believe that he is perfect.  He could never dream of organizing our closet, or matching Hannah's clothes, but he will try to help out with whatever needs to be done.

I do not have a picture of my empty sink. As a matter of fact, I almost never have an empty sink.  Someone is always eating something here.  I do, however, have a picture of the love of my life.  He is the sink "emptyier", the trash-taker outer, the dinner cooker, the baby rocker(spoiler), athlete, super-dad, amazing husband.  Sorry ladies, he's all MINE!!!  I think that is way better than an empty sink picture anyway!

Friday, July 13, 2012

You are my sunshine!

Tonight I was sitting in the rocker with Hannah I look over to see all my men on the couch snuggled up watching the Reds play.  I was singing You are my Sunshine to Hannah in an effort to put her to sleep.  Now, let me be clear.... we have not had the best day.  Hannah got two shots yesterday.  So, today she had a low grade temperature and has been a big cranky mess.  She has hardly smiled one second and whined, cried,or slept most of the day.  For the first time, she was really wearing on the boys nerves.  So, don't believe it's all rainbows and lollipops at our house. 
But, tonight as I sat singing to Hannah, and watching my men, I can honestly say I just fell in love all over again with these people that I call my family.  Jamie's ability to love all of us beyond measure, and be the best Dad in the entire world; the boys undying love for each other, Hannah, and us; and Hannah's soft features as she lays snuggled in my arms.  So, even on a difficult day, they are my sunshine!!!!  If life gets any better I will need a bathtub because my cup runneth over!

Sunday, June 24, 2012

The Least

This week, we had the pleasure of camping with some family and dear friends.  It was Hannah's first camping trip.  Although my shoulder was still hurting, and I was very hesitant to believe that Hannah could do it, we did it.  Hannah did marvelous, the boys had a blast, and my shoulder is slowly, but surely getting better.  I'll post some pictures if I can get around to it. 

Now, on to the important part of the blog.....I saw the most amazing thing.  We camped with Plum Grove church.  On Saturday night, a crazy game of kids verses parents tenni-ball wall was started.  For those of you new to the sport, it is just baseball played with a tennis ball.  Into the first inning, a few campground stragglers wandered up and wanted to join.  They were of course invited to join in the fun.

In the second inning, we had another visitor.  A young man with down-syndrome named Jay walked up and grabbed the bat.  No one asked him to join, he didn't ask for permission, he just grabbed the bat.  You might think the kids would say something but not a word was spoken, the kids just pitched the ball.  The little girl pitching threw probably 40 pitches while everyone cheered him on.  He never got a hit, so some very crafty men managed to create a hit for him.  He ran the bases for a home-run, everyone cheered,and all was right in the world  It was easy to see that he needed some help.

So, now for the best part.  When it was his turn to take the field, he asked to pitch.  Of course he was allowed.  The first batter came to the plate, 5 year-old Carson.  Jay wound up like a major league pitcher.  You could see all the parents cringe, because we just knew that Carson was going to get hit with the tennis ball.  However, that big wind up ended in a beautiful lob right across the plate where Carson had a great hit.  There was a huge collective sigh of relief.  Jay went on to pitch to several more kids with the same expertise.  Then, at the plate comes 4 year old Gavin.  Jay pitches well over a dozen pitches, and Gavin fails to make a hit.  I look up to see Jay scoot up to Gavin, crouch down, and perfect the slowest lob right over the plate.  It is the perfect pitch for a 4 year old.  Jay pitches about 8-10 more pitches and Gavin still doesn't have a hit.

So, what happens next, brought tears to my eyes.  Jay walks over to Gavin takes off his glove and begins coaching him.  He kneels down, places Gavin's hands of the bat, tells him to choke up on the bat and watch the ball.  He even double-checks his hand placement on the bat, gives Gavin a pat and a thumbs-up and walks back to the pitchers mound.  Now honestly, Jay's speech was terrible.  I'm not sure Gavin understood a word that he said, but he got the point with the gestures.  Most importantly, Gavin felt encouraged.  So, wouldn't you know it just a few more pitches, and Gavin nailed the ball.  Of course, he got a home-run.

I was reminded of a very important lesson on Saturday.  See, everyone needs a little help and encouragement every now and again.  The question is, will we be smart enough to recognize it like Jay did, and brave enough to do something about it.  Most people would say that Jay was lacking in so many ways.  I recognize that he has some pretty special needs, but I think he has a clear vision of the big picture.

"And the King will say, "I tell you the truth, when you did it to one of the least of these my brothers and sisters, you were doing it to me!"  Matthew 25:40 NLT

Saturday, June 16, 2012

Father's Day

I didn't realize that Jamie was also blogging tonight, but as they say.... great minds. 

Well, tomorrow is Father's Day.  It is a very special day at our house.  The cards are made, the plans are all discussed, we are all ready for the day.  The boys are anxiously awaiting the morning.

I was just sitting here, watching Jamie rock Hannah, and thinking about how blessed to have him as my husband and father of my children.  

Now, I don't want you to start believing that he is perfect.  I mean, he still breathes too loud, leaves his socks in the floor, and only remembers the last item of a list, but other than that, he's pretty great.  Really...... he is a great husband to me and the best Daddy to our kids.  They adore him, and it's easy to see why.  He is so involved with them.  I hear friends say, " I wish my husband would help more with the kids."  I can't say that.  He does just as much with the kids as I do. 

I can remember the first time I was away from the boys.  Someone said, are you sure he can handle it.  I just laughed because truthfully, he handles it better than me.  He just loves them up and takes everything in stride.  When he stayed home with the boys and I was working, I never had to worry about a thing.  Yes, I might come home and the house would be a mess.  What do you expect with 3 one year old boys???  But you could bet that I would come home to 3 happy boys that enjoyed their Daddy!  Now that Hannah is here, it is no different, he is so involved.  We argue over who gets to do things for her.

Jamie is always doing something with the kids.  He's always playing a game, reading a book to them, rocking one, snuggling one, or just talking with them about their day.  It is so easy to see why they are excited to have him as thier Dad and anxious to shower him with their love tomorrow.

I am blessed to have him in my life and I'm thankful everyday for him.  Happy Father's Day!!!!We love you!!!!

Father's Day!

Anyone that knows me well knows that this week hasn't really be a 10 on the awesome scale.  Something that I really wanted and really was excited for just didn't happen.  To say that it hurt was an understatement, but I'm convinced that everything happens for a reason.  However, this whole situation has made me reflect and has me energized about what's really important.

As you know Father's Day is tomorrow and I'm absolutely blessed to be able to have four wonderful kids.  I really do enjoy just being with my kids.  I love going out and playing baseball with the boys, rocking Hannah to sleep, or wrestling with the boys in their room.  I see them grow up right before my eyes and it scares me to think that in two years the boys will be 10, then 16, 18, 21....way too soon!

Tonight as I was playing baseball with them I started thinking.  I want my boys and Hannah to want to be like me.  I want them to say, "I want to play with my kids because my Dad did with me."  I want to be the example for my family.  I need Tonya and the kids to realize that they are the very most important thing to me.  I want to be the Little League coach, the basketball coach, the front yard homerun hitter, and the baby rocker.

I want this because my dad is that to me.  I've told several people that my hero is easily my Dad.  I've never met a person that absolutely loved his family like he does.  I truly believe that he would do anything for us and loves it when we are near.  I also love to see how his face lights up when he sees my kids and how he tells me he loves me every time I hang up with him.  I love how Dad laughs, how people think that he's a "celebrity", and how is quietly concerned about everything.

I want my kids to be like me, because I want to be like my dad. 

Jobs aren't that important...being a Dad is!

 Happy Father's Day Rick Campbell!

Thursday, June 7, 2012

The little things

I had the best evening yesterday.  After dinner, Jamie and I put Hannah in the stroller, and took a walk around the block.  The boys rode their bikes along beside us.  After that, I came back and sat on my swing, rocked Hannah and watched a riveting wiffle-ball game.  You're right folks, I have it made.  No, my life isn't perfect, but it is pretty close.  I have 4 healthy children that are growing like weeds, the love of a man that I adore, and everything else I need.
As I read posts on facebook about sick kids, families breaking apart, and true financial strain, I realize just how blessed I am.  Yes, I still say daily that we need more space, and at least 10 other things, but the truth is we don't NEED anything.  We have each other, GOD, and all the basics.  As I sat there on the porch last night, I just counted my blessings.  It really is the little things.....maybe they aren't so little after all.   

Monday, May 14, 2012


Kick Him in the Coconuts

So, you know that we have all been worried about Caleb and his reaction to Hannah.  He is the youngest.  Even though he is only a minute younger, trust me when I say that he is still the youngest.  He still does all those youngest things.  He still cuddles with Jamie and I each night.  He still regularly crawls in my bed to snuggle with us.  It is all the things you would expect any "youngest' to be.  He was not a big fan of me having another baby.  While the Isaac and Eli were praying for a baby for over a year before I got pregnant, Caleb was praying for a puppy.  He said we had enough kids.  Then, of course when he found out that we were having a girl, he really wasn't happy.

However, since her birth, he is a changed kiddo.  He is head over heels in love with her.  He follows her wherever she is.  He wants to sit by her, feed her, and hold her constantly.  It is so sweet it almost makes me cry.

I think this conversation between Caleb and Jamie says it all.  Jamie asked the boys what they would do when Hannah had a boy that wanted to go on a date.  Caleb said, "I will kick him in the coconuts!"  I of course laughed uncontrollably.  I know it was probably inappropriate, but that is love in the purest form.  Jamie continued to ask questions about about Hannah and the future.  He asked what he would do if a boy was every mean to Hannah and broke her heart.  Caleb responded, "I would kick him in the coconuts 2 times and I would't even warn him!"  So, people, I think we know that his love runs deep!!!

I think I have some love-struck boys!  Man..... is she in trouble when she gets older.


So, I've been a little busy taking care of Hannah and recuperating, so I've missed some very important blogs.  I'll do my best to catch up today.

First of all, I must admit I was a little nervous about the birth of our baby girl.  As I recall, I had a real struggle after the boys were born.  However, this was such a different experience entirely.  I couldn't have asked for things to go any better on delivery day.  I was prepped and ready to go in less than an hour.  She came out screaming like I'd never heard before.  It was music to my ears.  When the boys arrived, they had such a pitiful weak cry.  I knew from the second I heard them that I had a long road of recovery in front of me.  But Miss Hannah, no, she made sure that everyone knew her lungs were perfectly healthy.  She came out loud enough to be a cheerleader.  It was truly amazing.

While they were finishing sewing me back up, the NICU nurse came in to tell me that her blood sugar was low, and that they were worried about her.  She needed to eat immediately to get it up, or they were going to put her in the NICU to give her some nutrition to get the blood sugar up.  I had my heart set to nurse, so I was a little sad that her first feeding would be a bottle, and nearly heartbroken that she could end up in the NICU.  She said if they finished in time, I could try to nurse her.  Sure enough, they finished just in time, and Hannah was brought to me after just a few minutes and we had our first feeding.  Her blood sugar went up, and all was right in the world again.   It was so nice to be in the room, just Hannah, Jamie and me.  I got to be the first to really "check her out".  With the boys, it was really days later when I got to see everything in person and commit their little features to memory.

Now, I must admit, not everything has been perfect since the delivery.  We still had some blood sugar issues.  Apparently that is a problem with chubby babies, and she certainly has some chubby cheeks.  We ended up getting a bottle after all, and now that she has had the ease of a bottle she no longer wants to nurse.  She is such a lazy bones ;)  In the scheme of things, that is nothing.  We had a little scare with a heart murmur, but all of that appears to be resolving too.

I was worried about how the boys would react to her, but they are truly smitten with her.  She is so loved and they are adjusting to having her here perfectly.  I really thought the newness would have worn off by now, but they are still loving her and begging to hold her.

I can honestly say that this was just bliss, no other word to describe it.  All the worries that I had were in vain.  She is perfect and her delivery was as easy as it could be.  I even got to go home in about 48 hours.  Unbelievable, since I had to stay for a week after the boys were born.  Hannah and I are bonding at home and enjoying some girl time.  Thanks to all those that said a prayer for us.  It worked.  She is here and God is so good!!!  Just BLISS!!
- Tonya

Thursday, May 3, 2012

It's true...another girl can steal my heart!

I never thought that another girl would steal my heart.  I met Tonya some thirteen years ago, and I knew that I loved her from that time.  I knew that I would love no other girl.  I was positive that no one else would ever win my heart like she did.

Man...was I wrong!

This afternoon at 12:51, I was proved to be a liar!  Miss Hannah Elizabeth Campbell entered  the world at a whopping 9lbs 11oz and 21 1/2 inches long.  She came out screaming, letting everyone know that she was here and everyone was to take notice.  She has spent all evening in the arms of family that absolutely adores her every move.

It's amazing how God takes care of everything.  I was so worried about how Tonya was going to do and how Hannah was going to come through everything.  Then I worried about how the boys were going to feel and if they were going to be OK.  Any of you that knows me well knows that this is exactly how I am.  I worry about everything.  Everything went perfectly, I couldn't have scripted it any better!

I don't what what she will be when she grows up.  I don't know who she will fall in love with or what her favorite things will be.  I do know this though, one day she will find someone that will look into her eyes, like I looked into Tonya's eyes, and fall head over heals in love with her.  It's easy to do...because I did it today!

Miss Hannah, HAPPY BIRTHDAY!  Daddy loves you!

Wednesday, May 2, 2012

It's Go Time!!!!

All day long I've had my mind running all over the place.  I'm a mixed bag of emotions and it's been really hard to control them all.  I've tried to stay busy all day so I don't sit and think to much.  However, now is the time to sit and think.

Tomorrow morning, my entire world will flip.  I get the awesome blessing of witnessing my baby girl being born.  I had truly given up on the idea of a girl, or another child, to be honest.  However, somewhere in God's awesome plan, he thought it was right to give us another one.  Why, I'll never know.  I do know this, I am so happy that it has worked out this way.

I love to hear my boys talk about her already.  Eli's ready to play with her the moment she's cleaned off.  Isaac says that we'll be watching Baby Einstein and Caleb, in his usual way, doesn't say alot, but I can tell he is nervous.  (I can't blame Caleb, I'm nervous too.)  The boys have seemed so intrigued by the whole process.  They are going to be such wonderful big brothers.

Tonya...what can I say!  I've never seen anyone take the responsiblity of carrying a child so intent.  She knows how to get healthy babies here.  If they want her to stand on her head, she will.  Whatever she has to do she will do it to make sure everything turns out perfectly.  But that's my sweetie, she's such an over achiever.  She is truly wonderful.

I'm not sure what she will look like or even what her middle name is at this point.  I do know that she is entering a family that has the most abundent amount of love to give and we can't wait to give it to her.

If you are reading this, I truly ask you to pray tomorrow!  Pray that Tonya comes through wonderfully, Hannah is healthy and happy, the boys are excited and cooperative, and that the Dad can keep from acting like a blubbering fool!  ;)

T-Minus 14 hours and counting!  I'M EXCITED!


Sunday, April 29, 2012

Big Kicks!

So, I am very well aware that this baby will be here in just a few days.  Trust me, the boys, and yes I mean ALL the boys, including Jamie, have been counting them down for over a week now.  They are so excited they can't stand themselves.  I must admit.  I'm excited too.  I think I was more nervous than excited until the last week or so, but everything does really seem to be falling into place, so I'm with them.....Let's get this show on the road!

I must admit though, I know in just a few short days, I will miss being pregnant.  That may sound so strange to some, but it's true.  I think you could ask most moms and they will say the same thing.  Now, I'm not crazy.  Don't think I want to be pregnant all the time, but there are parts that I will miss.  There is nothing like the feeling of a baby move for the first time.  The feeling of the miracle within, is something you can never explain.  I think what I will miss most, is that from the second she enters this world, she will begin growing and won't stop.  I know from experience, that time moves so quickly.  It seems like a few weeks ago that I brought the boys home.  Now, they are almost as tall as me.  I'm sure it will be no different with Hannah.  I will blink and she will be in school.  I'll blink again, and she will be graduating.  I never believed it when my parents said that time moves too quickly.  When I was a child, it seemed like eternity between Christmases!  Now, it seems I get the decorations put away, only to get them out in a few weeks.  Boy, did they know what they were talking about.

Also, did I mention that I am not a big fan of sharing.  Up until now, I have had the blessing of having her all to myself, with the exception of a few touches to the belly and some pictures, she has been all mine.  When she arrives on Thursday, I have a feeling that the next time I get to put my hands on her will be when she needs fed or diapered :)  I have quite a few people in line to meet and hold her.  I'm not sure I should have even bought things like a bouncer or a swing.  I am certain that she may never sit in them. 

So, although I can't wait to meet her, cuddle her, touch her, and hold her, I will miss her little flutters, her hiccups, and even her big kicks.  

Sunday, April 22, 2012


So, we are in high gear to make ready for our baby girl. I know I am a little nervous, but I guess I assumed I was the only one. However, I am learning differently.

Today, I had a "snuggle" and discussion with Caleb about the big day. He wanted to know how all this stuff was going to happen; how long I will be in the hospital; how long Hannah will have to stay there; how much will my belly hurt; and about a million other questions. This was a serious discussion. You could tell that these topics had him a little concerned. I, of course, thought it was too sweet. It's nice to know how much he loves us both. My boys are growing up!

Friday, April 20, 2012


So, I am nearing the end of this pregnancy, and I keep getting the same questions/ statements over and over. I bet you wish this were over, or you must be miserable.

Well, truthfully, I hate that question/comment. I have never been "miserable" even carrying the boys. At times I may have been close; they were quite a challenge!

There have definitely been some uncomfortable moments in both pregnancies, but never misery. I think everyone that has ever suffered through infertility would agree with me that misery is the 100th negative pregnancy test, the desire to have a child more than breathe, and the heartbreak of a child you'll never see this side of heaven. That is misery! Pregnancy is at worst a minor discomfort, at best it is God's way of allowing my participation in a total miracle.

I am blessed to carry these miracles! Misery you say, you must be crazy. Theses are some if the most amazing days of our lives!

Thursday, April 5, 2012

Spring Break Nesting

So, we have been on spring break this week.  For the last several years, we have gone somewhere.  Either, we take the boys somewhere, or we take advantage of some much needed time alone in a sandy sunny area.  This year, however, we had an entirely different agenda.  Jamie's Mom volunteered to take the boys a few days so they could have some fun while we embarked on operation nesting.  We have pitched, painted, purged, cleaned, carpeted, put away, and assembled everything imaginable.  Wow, what a difference a few days makes.  Truthfully, I have supervised most of the work.  I have helped my fair share, but I can't do exactly everything I intended.  This big belly and contractions have kept me from doing everything I just knew I could. 

What a difference a week makes.  We now have a completed nursery.  Yes, it still needs a few finishing touches, but she has a room.  She even has all the other necessities, a changing table, a stroller, car seat, highchair, and a closet full of clothes that would rival a supermodel.  I can't believe it.

It was too cute.  When the boys returned from their visit with MawMaw and PawPaw, they had to check everything out.  They know where everything can be found, how everything works, and what everything does.  I think they are getting a little excited.  Especially with a date in mind.  If all goes well, she will arrive on May 2nd. 

I'll post some pictures soon.  She will be here before we know it, and we can't wait :)

Sunday, April 1, 2012

Predicting the future!

So the boys are out of town so Tonya and I got to go out to eat, watch a movie, and talk about something other than school or the boys.  So the conversation lead to our next favorite activity, predicting the future.  That's right, I'm like Dionne Warwick ....

We've done this forever.  We usually play this little game around New Years and make up crazy  predictions about the upcoming year.  However, our game tonight was a special edition...all about Hannah.  So, here are the predictions that came out tonight.  I'm putting them in writing so you all will be able to see my psychic abilities.  (BTW...I don't choose lottery numbers for people, it's an exploitation of my gift.)  ;)

Tonya's Question:  Will Hannah have lots of hair?
Response:  Yes, we just pray she doesn't have my hair line though!

T:  What color will Hannah's eyes be?
R:  Blue (Aren't all baby's eyes blue?)

T:  Who will be the best big brother?
R:  Isaac (Just a gut feeling)  Caleb will help sometimes and Eli will trick the other two into doing his work for him.

T:  What hair color will Hannah have?
R:  Blonde, that will even up our kids two/two.

T:  Who will she look like?
R:  She will be as beautiful as her mother.

T:  Who's temperment will she have?
R:  I refused to answer this question.  (I'm psychic, not an idiot!)

I do know this, I'm ready for her to get here!  I think we all are!  :)

-Daddy  (Call 1-888-I AM NOT A PSYCHIC for more information.  $1.99/min)

Monday, March 12, 2012

Diva in the making!!!

31weeks photo

5.5 lbs, and chubby cheeks. What a cutie already!

I will praise you in this storm...

So, I heard a great sermon and song yesterday at church, and it really made me think. I've been doing that a lot lately.
All the pictures and stories from the recent tornadoes close to our home made me realize even more how blessed we are. During the midst of the destruction, I see people thankful for escaping with only their lives. Some of them only escaped with their lives. They lost EVERYTHING else, but had their family.
Last week, we had a tough week. Have we had worse weeks? Sure but in the scheme of things, last week was a real stinker. We were all sick with the stomach flu. We had a very hectic week planned, most of which was cancelled. Jamie had a kidney stone, and had to go to the ER on Friday. It was just a mess. But at the weeks end, I surveyed the damage and I thought, this is nothing. This is just "stuff". I was truly thankful that even with the stomach flu, the baby continued to flourish, even weighing in a little heavy for her age. Jamie only had a kidney stone, nothing serious, he might disagree. Every piece of bedding in my house probably needed to be cleaned anyway. In spite of our mini-storm, I have so many reasons to be thankful.
I started taking some stock. First, my boys are each day falling in love with Hannah. We even pray for her by name now. They talk about what things they are willing to do to take care of her. Caleb is obsessed to know every detail of how she will be born. Isaac made a contract tonight saying that he would be in charge of her from 9-1. He even signed it in cursive. Eli wants to know which brother will be her best friend. Jamie is over the moon for her. However, I can already see the worry in his eyes. She got her first mini-skirt and bikini today. He said that will be her first and last, they are much too revealing for his I have the generosity, love, and support of friends and family.
My family is blessed beyond all measure!!!!

Monday, March 5, 2012

A name at last

So, we have struggled to decide on a name for the baby for months. I think in part because we were trying to get 5 people to agree on something important. We can't even agree on dinner. Why I thought this would be easy, I have no idea. It hasn't helped that everyone has an opinion on names as well, and they have all shared.
I would recommend to anyone having a baby to keep the name quiet until the day you have the baby. No one would dare say a bad word about the name after it has already been given.
That being said, we have decided on Hannah. Before I knew I was pregnant with triplets, we had already decided that a girl's name would be Hannah. So, I guess it's been Hannah for over 8 years, we have just been waiting on her arrival. Now, to decide on a middle name.... I am hoping that will happen before before she gets here. However, until that day, mums the word. I'm sure you will love it! ;)

Sunday, February 26, 2012

All 4 babies!

So, after a very long day yesterday, I was "invited" to a movie in the boys' room. We all snuggled up under the quilt. Caleb even got a pillow for the baby. Eli "snuggled my back", Isaac put his head by my belly, to be "by the baby" and Caleb snuggled beside me and played with my hair. I said, " I love snuggling with all 3 of my babies." They said, "It's all 4." I of course said as teared up, "You're right I have all 4 of my babies here." We are all realizing that our life is forever changed!

It is not often that they still let me call them babies, and it will not be too much longer that I get invites to snuggle, so I am cherishing every second I have with them. I am blessed beyond measure!!!!

Thursday, February 2, 2012

Hold on baby!!!

So, last week we had a little scare.  Our bundle of joy started showing herself a little early.  When we were pregnant with the boys, we expected early labor.  We were told early on, that it was part of the deal with multiples.  However, we were really thinking that with just one, we would last 36-40 weeks without a problem.  After all, the boys did a pretty good job stretching out the living space for her.  However, our little princess is already showing off.  Needless to say, we were a little nervous.  The good news is that it wasn't "real labor" and we got to come home that evening.  The bad news is that the "Mommy instincts" kicked into high gear, and I nearly went off the deep end over the weekend.  The sudden fear hit me that we will soon have a baby and have made no arrangements for one in our home.  Sure, we are totally prepared to love our baby more than words can explain, we just don't have a place for her to sleep at the moment. 

So, after many hormonal tears, and a long night's sleep, my hero, Jamie, came up with a plan to make our tiny house of about 1,000 square feet work for our family of 6.  As usall, he saved the day.  After talking with the boys, we are going to change the play room into our nursery.  The boys will get a new bed.  The bunk beds will be temporarily gone; they weren't being used anyway.  After all these years, they still end up in the same twin bed every night.  So, the boys get a new big bed and a tv in their room.  They think they won the lottery.

So, this weekend, project nursery begins.  I'm so proud that my boys are starting to get excited and are willing to help with everything.

In the meantime, I am trying to take it easy and get our girl to cooperate. She is apparently like everyone else in this family impatient.  She just needs to hang in there a while longer, at least until she had a bed. ;)
