Monday, July 23, 2012

I believe in miracles!

I was looking at pinterest today and I saw a tattoo that said I believe in miracles. I thought, if i ever got a tattoo that would be the one for me! So, that got me thinking about some of the miracles in my life.

I have so many, I'm not sure I can even count! Some of them include my kiddos. For those that may not know our story.... Here it is.

Jamie and I couldn't get pregnant. We went to the doctor several times, and after about a year and a half he finally sent us to Cincinnati to see Dr. Hofmann. When we went to see him, he said we had a better chance of winning the lottery than having a baby on our own. We tried many medicines, had dozens of tests and visits to the doctor, and we finally got pregnant. However, that wasn't our miracle. We lost the baby very early. Needless to say, we were devastated, totally crushed. We were emotionally drained. I was physically tired, and our bank account had all that we could handle. So, we talked to the doctor. He said when we were ready to try again, just let him know. In just a few weeks, we got a call from the Dr. Saying that someone that was getting ready to have a baby dropped off over 1/2 of the meds we would need to try again. Infertility medicine is very expensive, and cannot be returned to the pharmacy. Even though it was in tamper-proof glass vials. SFNow that may not sound like much, but is was about $2,000 worth of medicine. I was hesitant to try again so early but it seemed as though God was opening a window for us. Jamie and I talked about it and prayed about it, and it felt right to try again. So, we started the process all over again. Now, I should mention the medicine and process that we used do not have a high risk for high order multiples. As a matter of fact, we were one of only a handful of triplets our doctor ever produced.
When we got pregnant again, I was so scared the same thing would happen. When we went back, you could say we were definitely surprised to find out we were having triplets. The doctor told us then that we didn't have a good chance of carrying them. Now, don't get me wrong, the pregnancy was not easy, but they all made it here. We had an uphill battle at first, but we were all safe and sound! Three little miracles.

Now, it was easy to see why Hannah was such a wonderful surprise. We had been told more than once we would never have a baby on our own. Boy, we're they wrong. Jamie and I had always hoped for one more, but never in our best dreams did we think it would happen. Miracle number 4, I say!

I would include finding the love of my life as a true miracle as well. In todays world where people are getting divorced every day, I think our love is a miracle. Now would be a great time to mention that divorce rates of parents with multiples is even higher than the national average. Jamie and I have already weathered some pretty big hurdles and came out stronger. I think he's a keeper!

That's just some of the miracles in my life. I could go in any on. So if you ask, if I believe in miracles. I sure do! Some of them call me Mom.

Wednesday, July 18, 2012

Empty sinks, empty beds, and full bellies!

So, my husband asked me tonight why I have never posted a picture of our empty sink.  That was a little confusing to me, even after living with him all these years.  I of course asked why on earth I would do that.  He goes on to explain to me that a lot of people of Facebook post pictures or posts about some work that their husband does around the house.  Examples include: I can't believe my husband cleaned the kitchen all by himself; I can't believe I came home to all the laundry in our house done, etc.  You get the point. That really got me thinking...... why don't I do that?  Then I remembered it's because he does it so often, it would be ridiculous that I would do that. 
It is not uncommon for him to wash the dishes.  It is also not uncommon that I wake up in an empty bed.  Even before I hear Hannah, he often gets up and feeds her at 3AM.(He says it's his favorite time with her.  No one says a word if he rocks her even when she is asleep.)  It is also very common that he cooks our dinner.  See, we are partners.  He does just as much as I do around the house.  We work hard to keep this place going.  Now, I don't want you to believe that he is perfect.  He could never dream of organizing our closet, or matching Hannah's clothes, but he will try to help out with whatever needs to be done.

I do not have a picture of my empty sink. As a matter of fact, I almost never have an empty sink.  Someone is always eating something here.  I do, however, have a picture of the love of my life.  He is the sink "emptyier", the trash-taker outer, the dinner cooker, the baby rocker(spoiler), athlete, super-dad, amazing husband.  Sorry ladies, he's all MINE!!!  I think that is way better than an empty sink picture anyway!

Friday, July 13, 2012

You are my sunshine!

Tonight I was sitting in the rocker with Hannah I look over to see all my men on the couch snuggled up watching the Reds play.  I was singing You are my Sunshine to Hannah in an effort to put her to sleep.  Now, let me be clear.... we have not had the best day.  Hannah got two shots yesterday.  So, today she had a low grade temperature and has been a big cranky mess.  She has hardly smiled one second and whined, cried,or slept most of the day.  For the first time, she was really wearing on the boys nerves.  So, don't believe it's all rainbows and lollipops at our house. 
But, tonight as I sat singing to Hannah, and watching my men, I can honestly say I just fell in love all over again with these people that I call my family.  Jamie's ability to love all of us beyond measure, and be the best Dad in the entire world; the boys undying love for each other, Hannah, and us; and Hannah's soft features as she lays snuggled in my arms.  So, even on a difficult day, they are my sunshine!!!!  If life gets any better I will need a bathtub because my cup runneth over!